How much do you know about mythology? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How much do you know about mythology?
You are 100% a Myth-master
100%Excellent! Amazing! Wow! Fantastic! You are a total Myth-master. Your brilliant mythology intelligence will bring you success.
CURIOUS with the most-mischevious question what was the answer? I put Loki but was there more than one choice? (That was really funny, it felt like a for-the-fairest apple)
EnidHB1 -
Hera is the godess of marrige and family... that is why she never have kids with mortals, she doesn't cheat on Zeus, that is her husband... But since she is married to Zeus i suposse she can be the queen of gods and queen of heavens to
LuluM1 -
92%. I have one question bout this though. Isn't Hera supposed to be the god of the heavens, not Zeus? Zeus is Lord of the Sky, right?
Gr33nd4y1 -
wow, i got a 75!
misskiss1 -
yay i got 100%
I gots a 92%!
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