How much do you know about my OC universe?

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I made this quiz because I could not sleep at 2am. Still, I hope you enjoy. This quiz is about my OC universe, which you’ll find more out about while playing the quiz

Part 2 coming out during normal hours of the day. I bet you can’t wait for more terrible writing and confusing plot points all wrapped in a pretty little casing of poor punctuation

Created by: RabiesSpreader of Click
(your link here more info)
  1. Where does the story take place?
  2. Is the story finished?
  3. Who is the protagonist?
  4. What is the MAIN plot point of the story?
  5. Which character is named after my cat?
  6. Why is Donny the protagonist?
  7. Why did I make this story
  8. Does this story make sense and do I even understand what’s going on in it
  9. What job does Sal have in the story
  10. What does it mean when someone has red eyes in the story
  11. What are the moral standpoints of most of the characters in this story
  12. Was Yuki the result of an experiment
  13. Does the Facility support the Soviets or Americans?
  14. Where does Donny live?
  15. Who is Jhon?
  16. Does my OC universe follow the laws of science and physics in the real world
  17. What is one of the symptoms of leukemia in this universe
  18. Is schizophrenia curable in this universe
  19. What genre is this story
  20. What job does Jenny have in the story
  21. Are physical mutations possible in this universe
  22. Why does Donny never actually use his brainwashing powers that can make others develop schizophrenia
  23. Does anyone in this book have morals
  24. Does Candace die
  25. What is the purpose of The Facility
  26. Do any of the mutants have functioning wings?
  27. Thank you for enduring this whole thing

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about my OC universe?
