how much do you know about MSP?

this quiz is a great quiz to test your knowledge about msp and to see how much you know about it. Don't know what MSP is? MSP-short for MovieStarPlanet is a website for levels, fame and movies.

this quiz will stretch your brain for the title moviestarplanet hero! Are you up for a challenge? have you been at MSP long enough to get full marks?!

Created by: thomas
  1. what is the name of the moviestar with the most fame on the UK version
  2. what level is pandypolo?
  3. how much Starcoins has Roxy-1 got?
  4. What level is Pumpchkin on the U.S version
  5. What is the name of the level Pumpchkin is on?
  6. What level is ishacool on in UK version
  7. how many frinds can you have if you're vip and level 18
  8. is jedwardmad13 a real user?
  9. who has the most animations on UK version?
  10. Who does short movies the most?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about MSP?