How Much Do You Know About Minecraft?

Hello, and welcome to my first quiz! I am wayyy overly obsessed with Minecraft, so I made a quiz for it. Let's see just how well you do.. Or will you just guess?

This is a Minecraft quiz to test just how well you know Minecraft- But keep in mind, all these are completely random questions. Also, this quiz is just for fun and probably isn't accurate. Have fun!

Created by: Noor of Minecraft Quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. What achievement do you get when beating the Ender Dragon?
  2. What item does the Wither drop?
  3. How do you get the achievement "The Beginning?"
  4. How do you get an Elytra?
  5. What is the STRONGEST armor and tools as of 2020?
  6. How do you make a fire resistance potion?
  7. How do you make an invisibility potion?
  8. How do you make a potion of night vision?
  9. How many Eyes of Ender are needed to fill in the end portal?
  10. Last Question: Where do you find emeralds?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Minecraft?
