How much do you know about Mikoto Kayano? (Milgram)

How much do you know about Mikoto Kayano? Let's see, let's test your knowledge about him. Do you think you know a lot or a little? Maybe you don't know him.

Are you a simp for him and testing if you can be his perfect match or are you just bored? I don't know your results yet! Let's test your knowledge now!

Created by: Ni-Kyu
  1. Where is Mikoto Kayano from?
  2. What is Mikoto's song called?
  3. What does Mikoto do with his other friends?
  4. Does Mikoto have DID?
  5. How many times did he take his shirt off in his song?
  6. What song lyric is in Mikoto's song? [Romaji]
  7. How tall is Mikoto?
  8. How old is Mikoto?
  9. When is Mikoto's birthday?
  10. Who's Mikoto's voice actor?
  11. What crime(s) did Mikoto commit?
  12. What did/does Mikoto think what was going on?
  13. What does Mikoto hate?
  14. What are Mikoto's hobbies?
  15. What is Mikoto's favorite food? [Out of all the choices]
  16. What does Mikoto like to drink?
  17. Has Mikoto ever had a lover?
  18. Is Mikoto a liar?
  19. Does Mikoto have good fashion sense?
  20. What's Mikoto's blood type?
  21. Does Mikoto have r34? [At the time this quiz was made]
  22. Does Mikoto star in fan-fiction? If so, what site has the most fan-fiction of him? [At the time this quiz was made]
  23. This is the last question. Are you a simp for Mikoto-kun? [Doesn't affect your score]

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Mikoto Kayano? (Milgram)
