How much do you know about Michael Jackson?

Michael Jackson... He is... wait... who is him? He is... a man! And, if he is a man... he once lived... but he is now... dead... do you know... who... he really... was?

Yes? Who!? Was he... a painter...? A poet...? A singer...? Yes? Who told you? Your... soul? Your... mind? I see... you know... a bit... about...him! PROVE IT! DO THIS QUIZ!

Created by: Alexis

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many brothers did Michael have?
  2. How was his father called?
  3. What was the last song he invented?
  4. Was Michael Jackson gay?
  5. When did Michael start singing? (age)
  6. What was the day before the day after Michael Jackson died?
  7. How many sisters did MJ have?
  8. Who did MJ hate the most?
  9. What is Jacko's favourite song?
  10. What is his best song ever? (not my oppinion)

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Michael Jackson?