How Much Do You Know About Lego Batman Videogames?

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I think some dc fans or anyone out might need a good quiz so I made this quiz called how much do you kno about the 3 Lego Batman video games .

So now lets see if you can master this tricky quiz. Its just how good your guesses are , lets see if you'll get a 100%, A 0%, A 50% or mabye in the middle.

Created by: bagirl
  1. Who made Lego Batman 2?
  2. In Lego Batman 3, what do they call the black skin colred green lantern.
  3. In Lego Batman the video game how many workers does the penguin have.
  4. In Lego Batman 2 what is the true identidy of robin.
  5. In Lego Batman 3 on the xbox 360 which button do you hold down to make bane turn all giant.
  6. In Lego Batman the video game what color hands do joker and riddler have.
  7. In Lego Batman 2 what powers does the bat suit have.
  8. In Lego Batman 3 which mr freeze did they pick.
  9. In Lego Batman the videogame what color is catwoman classic.
  10. Between Lego Batman 2 and Lego Batman 3 are the bat girls...

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Lego Batman Videogames? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Action-Adventure Quiz category.