how much do you know about lady gaga?

there are many people who claim to know about the gaga but few are true super fans like my self but there are many little monsters about so lets see how much you know.

so you wanna know how much you know about gaga well you better take the test theen hadn't you so then let the test begain and may the odds be ever in your favour! oh wait this aint the hunger games

Created by: katnis234
  1. when was lady gaga born?
  2. what song does she think is her best/
  3. what does lady gaga call her fans?
  4. born this way!
  5. nobody actuly fits in.
  6. which of these is a quote by gaga?
  7. whats gaga's dog called
  8. whats her alter ego called?
  9. whats her sister called?
  10. what song is this from? degenerate young reble and proud of it.
  11. shes just an amrican riding a dream
  12. i will fight for i have faught for how i care
  13. wich one of these is not by gaga

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about lady gaga?