how much do you know about kira?

this quiz includes questions of things you may know about me but also questions of things you may not know about me. see how much or how little you know about me by taking this quiz.

there is 14 questions in this quiz. each question has one correct answer. if you do not know an answer just guess what it is and move on to the next question. good luck!

Created by: kira of my
(your link here more info)
  1. what type of phone do I have?
  2. what is my favourite colour?
  3. what musical instrument do I play?
  4. how old am I?
  5. what shoe size am I?
  6. what is my favourite number?
  7. when is my birthday?
  8. what year was I born?
  9. who is my favourite author?
  10. what are my favourite books?
  11. my favourite shoe brand?
  12. my favourite clothes/shoe shop?
  13. my favourite app?
  14. last question:what pet(s) do i have?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about kira?
