how much do you know about HTTYD

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These questions will determine weather you may be a true HTTYD fan, please don't look up the answers just answer from your memory so we can see if you are a true fan.

there will be 12 questions, answer what you think is right.Don't second guess yourself and if you aren't a fan its ok. hope you enjoy the quiz, good luck!

Created by: E.D
  1. In the first movie, who was the first to appear?
  2. what was the name of the island they stayed on in dragons race to the edge?
  3. who were stoick's two dragons?
  4. what is the ancestral home of the gronckles?
  5. what dragon lives on the defenders of the wings island that saves them from the lava flow
  6. what was the name of the baby Death Song
  7. who was the person that hiccup and the dragon riders were battling against is maces and talons
  8. who were brother and sister
  9. In the beginning what did hiccup say about the weather on berk?
  10. what was the dragon in httyd 2 that Toothless defeated?
  11. what was the mystery dragon that the riders found with the dragon eye that was thought to be infecting Tuffnut
  12. what was hiccup's mothers name?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about HTTYD
