How Much Do You Know About Harry Potter

There are many smart people, but not all of them are true geniuses the subject of Harry Potter. A genius is someone who is very clever. Maybe you are a genius.

Are YOU a true genius? Do you have the brain power to qualify for that prestigious title? I guess we'll never know.... Unless you take my quiz. Then we'll see if you're a true genius in the subject.... Harry Potter.

Created by: Lia
  1. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, what does Harry see in the woods?
  2. What did Harry do in his first Quidditch game?
  3. In his 6th year, who did Harry start dating?
  4. How many Weasley siblings are there?
  5. What is Hermione?
  6. What is Harry's middle name?
  7. How old do wizards and witches have to be to be of age?
  8. Who destroys the locket in the 7th book?
  9. Who is Harry's mom
  10. Who is Ron's dad?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Harry Potter