How much do you know about hamsters?

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If you want to get a hamster then take this quiz and read thees boxes for information! You need a HUGE cage for a hamster and a big room for it to run around in and keep it away from cats!

Food: Apples Sweetcorn seeds ham.ect Just don't give them oranges lemons limes no sitrus fruits its bad for them. No extremely loud nosies or squeezes

Created by: Mya
  1. Do hamsters eat meat!?
  2. How long do hamsters live?
  3. Do hamster like to chew?
  4. Can hamsters have oranges?
  5. Can hamsters have apples?
  6. Do hamsters need big medium or small cages?
  7. Can hamster climb?
  8. Do hamsters have sharp claws?
  9. Do hamster like water?
  10. How many hamster can you have in one cage?
  11. Finally did you enjoi this?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about hamsters?
