How Much Do You Know About Hamilton?

How much do you know about Hamilton? Do you think you know a lot about this famous musical. Let’s find out. Try your best!!!! Yayayayayayayayayayayayy

Hamilton musical is very famous and known for the music. Yayayayayay try your best!please playSorry this is lazy I’m bored I like Hamilton tho If you take this you like Hamilton too

Created by: Hamilton Garl
  1. Who did Alexander Hamilton marry?
  2. Who killed Hamilton?
  3. Finish the lyric:“You hold these truths to be self-evident..”
  4. Who is King George?
  5. How many Duel Commandments are there?
  6. What colour dress does Eliza wear?
  7. Who wrote Common Sense?
  8. How fun was this? (There is a CORRECT answer)
  9. Bai
  10. One more

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Hamilton?
