How much do you know about Google+?

Are you on Google+? If not, you should be. This test is going to prove how much you know about it, and if you DO have an account. There's 1 correct answer for each question.

Please take this quiz, but don't take it too seriously. Please answer the questions truthfully, though! As well as you can, anyway. You WON'T need to rack your brains for this!

Created by: SamsungGalaxyAce
  1. What is the symbol that represents 'Home'?
  2. Which side of the page is the 'Chat' section?
  3. Can you upload YouTube videos onto Google+ posts?
  4. Do you have to have Windows7 to use Google+?
  5. Can you use Google+ on your mobile phone?
  6. Can you access it on a Samsung Galaxy Ace?
  7. Is there a Google+ app for mobile phones?
  8. Is there a maximum number of times that you can change your profile?
  9. Do Manchester United have a fan page?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Google+?