How much do you know about Goldfish?

How much do you know about goldfish? Take this quiz to find out! Study first, though. This quiz is kind of tough. You'll do great, just remember that!

Goldfish are very cute, in my opinion. I own one as a pet. If you wish to get a pet goldfish, then you should probably ace this quiz first. It's the best way to learn.

Created by: Helen
  1. What color can a goldfish be?
  2. What type of fish is the goldfish bred from?
  3. What do wild goldfish eat?
  4. Where do wild goldfish live?
  5. Which is the best name for a goldfish?
  6. How much does the average goldfish weigh?
  7. How long is the average goldfish lifespan?
  8. How long is the average goldfish's body?
  9. How many fins does a goldfish have (not counting the tail)?
  10. What color are a goldfish's eyes?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Goldfish?
