How much do you know about France?

Have you ever wondered wether you are truly French? Are you a Natural French-speaker? or do you speak French like a Spanish cow? find out in this quiz!

Are you a French wizard? or are you a Spanish cow? will you pass with A, A+ or B? or distinction? or merit? or just a pass? even if you only get a pass it it better than nothing!

Created by: Gaughan Spree
  1. Translate this sentence: On lui fait
  2. What time do the French have lunch
  3. Translate this sentence into French: What time is it?
  4. Which one of these places is in France
  5. How do you say 'I would like' in French
  6. conjugate the nous form of aller
  7. What is the capital city of France
  8. Which of these is NOT a French word
  9. Do French have capital letters at the beginning of a name of a month?
  10. How do you say 'Name' in French

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about France?