How Much Do You Know About Flipline Studios?

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Flipline is a very known service, best known for their famous Papa Louie franchise, and additionally the app Slider Scouts, desktop games like Jacksmith, and deleted games like Remnants of Skystone.

The Papa Louie customers Matt, Tony, a customer you'll know at the end of the test and Doan are real-life, while Johnny and Georgito were based off real-life John and George. When one of these, or any other, is served, they'll grade their order!

Created by: FrenchoSaxon
  1. Where do Matt and Tony live?
  2. Which of these took Matt and Tony to make for two and a half years?
  3. And the shortest?
  4. When did Flipline start?
  5. Is Liezel a fan of spumoni?
  6. Which of these Kingsley's Customerpalooza characters did NOT win?
  7. Who is Mandi?
  8. Which is the only game with a limited level/rank?
  9. Last question: is Freezing Pointe Flipline's first product?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Flipline Studios?
