how much do you know about first dates

this was so much fun people just worry about dates but here youll be a pro. just take my quiz and have a fun time with it hope fully every body gets what they wanted

all you need for the quiz to be true is to leace me comments and ratings so I know if I need to do better or if I should dile down my awesomeness thanks

Created by: serafina
  1. what do you want your girl to wear
  2. what should the boy wear
  3. where should the first date be
  4. should you kiss on the first date
  5. should you go on a dare date
  6. should you go on a second date just to make sure you like the person
  7. are you having fun yet
  8. have you been on a first date
  9. who shold pick up who
  10. please leave a comment

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about first dates