How much do you know about dragons!?

There are people who know alot about dragons, but few are true experts! I am one of those people! Are you one of them? Take this awesome quiz to find out!

Are YOU an expert about dragons? Do you have the skills to qualify as a true amazing dragon expert? Thanks to this amazing quiz, now you can find out!!! Good luck!

Created by: Karina Kosh
  1. Where did they come from
  2. How do they look like
  3. What do they breathe
  4. What do they eat
  5. Can they fly
  6. What shapes are their scales
  7. Who is their leader
  8. Are they good?
  9. Where do they live
  10. Who are their worst enemies?
  11. Are dragons cool
  12. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about dragons!?