How much do you know about dogs?

Many people know a few dog facts here and there but very few are experts about them. If you are an expert on dogs you probably have many books and or magazines on dogs.

Am I an expert on dogs? Do I have the brain to remember dogs just by knowing the color of the coat? If you have ever had questions like this you must take my quiz! All your dog questions WILL be answered!!!!!!!

Created by: wig
  1. What is a baby dog called?
  2. What is the biggest dog breed in the world?
  3. What is the smallest dog breed in the world?
  4. What food out of all the answers below are is toxic to dog's?
  5. What is a dog?
  6. What is the most "wolf-ish" dog?
  7. What are the two smartest dogs?
  8. Where were golden retrievers first bred?
  9. What did cocker spaniels used to hunt?
  10. What is the most popular dog?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about dogs?