How much do you know about dn angels.

Do you think you are a true dn angel fan? Maybe you do. But that does not mean you are. Many people say they are but they are not. So please help me find another true fan.

Let's find out if you are a true dn angel fan. Are you? Take this quiz to find out. And please, don't say that Daisukes girlfriend is a 47 year old man.

Created by: The Lady Wolf
  1. Who is Daisukes girlfriend?
  2. Who is Dark?
  3. Who are the Haratta sisters?
  4. Who lives with Daisuke?
  5. Who is Krad?
  6. Who kisses Riku in the first episode?
  7. Who owns The Second Hand Of Time?
  8. What is the Niwa family maids other form?
  9. Is Dn angels anime?
  10. Who is the best?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about dn angels.