How Much Do You Know About...DIRECTIONER42

Hello!! Its me Directioner42! Do you truly know...well, ME! Maybe, maybe not. You could know everything, or get it all wrong. 6.6 You won't. xD

If you really think you know me, you've seen my accounts, you know me in real life, or are bored. This quiz is right for you! (well, maybe not if you're bored) Go ahead. Try! -Directioner42

Created by: Directioner42
  1. How old is Directioner42? (2016)
  2. What month was Directioner42 born in?
  3. What is Directioner42's least favorite show?
  4. What is Directioner42's favorite show?
  5. What is Directioner42's PSN name?
  6. Who is Directioner42's best friend on PSN?
  7. What is Directioner42's old name where she deleted all her videos?
  8. What is Directioner42's real name?
  9. What is Directioner42's favorite DS game?
  10. What is Directioner42's best friends name?
  11. What is Directioner42's least favorite Fitness Assessment in school?
  12. What is Directioner42's favorite song? (and I like all of these)
  13. Is Directioner42 alive?
  14. What is Directioner42's favorite name?
  15. What does Directioner42 like to do in fall?
  16. What does Directioner42 like to do in winter?
  17. You knew this was coming.... What is Directioner42's favorite spring activity?
  18. What is Directioner42's favorite waterpark?
  19. What is Directioner42's favorite animal?
  20. What is Directioner42's favorite stuffed animal brand? (stuffed animals are sill cool!)
  21. THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About...DIRECTIONER42