How much do you know about Dance Moms?

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Hello! Do you like Dance Moms? If you do you must take this quiz? Now you can see if you know every little detail about it. Hope you like this quiz!

Now you can see if you know about Dance Moms. It's o.k if you don't get a hundred because you can always come back and retake this quiz. Hope you like it.

Created by: Dancelover
  1. Who is the oldest?
  2. Complete this statement "Jo-Jo should not be dancing teen just like Kalani should not be dancing ______!
  3. How many dancers were there when season 5 (the last season) ended?
  4. Who is Kendell's mom?
  5. Who is Gia?
  6. How many times did Kira, Kalani's mom, leave after a fight with Abby?
  7. Which of these is one of Maddie's solos?
  8. Which of these is a real group number?
  9. Compete this statement " I feel like once you get in a ______ with Abby she is mad at you forever"
  10. Who is the leader of MDP?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Dance Moms?