How much do you know about Dan and Phil?

Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil the YouTubers have very many fans. Do YOU know as much about them as you think? Are you as much of an expert on these two as you think?

Okay I hate writing these so I'm just going to throw up on the keyboard. SILh aiehf awlkerhj awekrh awl erkuh awk awjehrkja wehr wklerj hekajhw erkjh ajkw ehr

Created by: Squidney
  1. What year did Dan and Phil start Phil is not on fire?
  2. What is the name of the Sims character they created?
  3. Why do they draw cat whiskers on their face?
  4. What year did they begin AmazingDan?
  5. What is Dan's second channel called?
  6. What is Phil's second channel called?
  7. Who is older, Dan or Phil?
  8. If Phil could pickle anything what would he pickle?
  10. In Phil is not on fire 3, a fan asks for them to say words in an american accent. What does Dan say/Phil say?
  11. *Phil throws an american flag at Dan*
  12. According to Phil is not on fire 5, can Dan or Phil talk backwards?
  13. Who is more known for being clumsy?
  14. Who is more known for being very awkward?
  15. Which one is a weirdo magnet?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Dan and Phil?