How Much Do You Know About Chickens?

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Hi! Are you ready to test your chicken knowledge? It is more complicated than you think. Chickens are interesting birds, and there is a lot you can learn about them!

Even if you don't think you'll master this quiz, that's OK. You can still try it out - and see if you should learn some more about these lovely creatures!

Created by: Jessa of TheChucklingChicken
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs?
  2. What breed of chicken is the best at laying eggs out of these?
  3. When do chickens wake up in the morning?
  4. Do people keep chickens as pets?
  5. What breed out of these has feathered feet/legs?
  6. How long does it take for a chicken to MAKE an egg inside its body?
  7. TRUE or FALSE: Roosters only crow in the morning?
  8. What is a pullet?
  9. What are roosters sometimes called?
  10. How many chickens are there in the world? (appox)

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Chickens?
