How much do you know about Captain Rex Clone wars

Are you a genius of Star Wars well if you think you are well you have to try this quiz on Star Wars Captain Rex do what ever you can I believe in you go ahead

Ok you can do this but please no looking stuff up I didn’t go through nothing for 2 hours making this quiz up be a Captain Rex Nerd ok that may have been affensive if you already are

Created by: T17infall
  1. What is Captain Rex’s CT number
  2. What is Captain Rex’s body armor color
  3. Was Captain Rex in the 501 first legion?
  4. Who was Captain Rex’s best Clone friend
  5. Did Captain Rex execute ORDER 66
  6. Do you like Captain Rex
  7. What did he do after order 66
  8. Are you getting bored of this quiz
  9. Would you want to be Captain Rex
  10. Finally the last question what was Captain Rex’s favorite general

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Captain Rex Clone wars