How much do you know about Caleb from bratayley

Bratayely is a YouTube SENSATION!!!As many of you may know if you watch bratayley 1 of their 3 children passed away 2 months ago he was a great person and this quiz is to see how much you really know

So! How much to you know about Caleb? Well we're about to see take this quiz and you will see if you are a TRUE bratayley/ caleb fan! Good luck (remember this is not a serious test it's just for fun)

Created by: Lola
  1. What time was caleb born at?
  2. What was caleb's first words on youtube?
  3. what is caleb's favourite food?
  4. What was caleb's sport?
  5. How many siblings does caleb have?
  6. What did caleb want to call his dog , piper
  7. Who did caleb like sitting next to on plane rides?
  8. Out of caleb's two sisters who would be most like to be and why?
  9. What was caleb's baseball number?
  10. Yes unfortunately caleb passed away 😭but at what time and date did he pass away

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Caleb from bratayley