How much do you know about bluey?

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Ever wondered how much you know about Bluey? do you want to see if your knowledge beets the rest of your friends? take this quiz, and find out how much you know about bluey.

in this quiz, you will be given easy questions about the show to answer. if I should do a harder quiz, let me know. when your down with your answers, you will figure out how much you know.

  1. How many seasons are there?
  2. Who is Blueys sister?
  3. What breed Is bluey?
  4. how old is bluey?
  5. what is Blueys favorite animal?
  6. what is Blueys favorite song?
  7. who is Blueys dad?
  8. who is Blueys mom?
  9. is bluey tidy and neat or messy and disorganized?
  10. Who is luckies dad's real name?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about bluey?
