How much do you know about Beyonders?

Are you the ultimate Beyonders fan? Take this quiz and find out! I suggest not taking this quiz if you aren't a Beyonders fan or haven't read the book.

In just fifteen simple questions, you will find out just how much of a Beyonders fan you are! For some of these questions, however, you must read the section of "A World Without Heroes" on An Abridged History of Lyrian.

Created by: zeldacrafter0111
  1. Which book comes first in the timeline order?
  2. What is the word to destroy Maldor?
  3. Where does Jason find Lurky?
  4. Who is Jason's possible love interest?
  5. Who were the last great wizards of the Age of Wizards?
  6. Who is the Blind King, really?
  7. Who is Galloran?
  8. Which of these races are wizard-born of Eldrin?
  9. Darian the...
  10. What is Ferrin?
  11. How are Amar Kabal reborn?
  12. Why did Eldrin create is wizard-born races?
  13. Why did Zokar create his wizard-born races?
  14. Who is the oldest wizard mentioned?
  15. Who sunk the city of Darvis Kur?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Beyonders?
