How Much do You Know About AUs?

Undertale is a great game. But... only a few years later it's released, AUs were made! AUs are Alternate Universes, but how much of people know about it?

Do you think you can handle this quiz? Undertale is a complicated, but simple game. It's fun, but how much do you know about the AUs? There are many AUs, but only a few are Included!

Created by: Louise

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hello! Call me Mythix! Are you ready? Let's go!
  2. First is Ink! Ink: Who is someone closely related to me? Mythix: ... Ink: What?!
  3. Mythix: ERROR! GET OVER HERE!!! Error: Do I HaVe TO? Mythix: Yes! Error:Fine... What is my weapon?
  4. Mythix: Blue is up. Blue: Hi Human! What's my favorite food???
  5. Mythix: Fresh, your turn. Fresh: SOOO Human! Who's my creator???
  6. Mythix: Lets go Fell. Fell: Who's our "Superior" Sans?
  7. Mythix: MY turn! Who is ERROR shipped with? Error: Bruh... why?
  8. Lust: My Turn!!! Who is the ORIGINAL?! Mythix: So easy...
  9. Mythix: Alright... that's it I think! UnderTale Sans: Hey! I haven't gone yet!
  10. Mythix: Sorry! Ask Away! Sans: Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About AUs?