how much do you know about Asid smp

hello, welcome to my quiz, I don't know what to write here, so it will be random spamVfdfzcrzbthbgrtgrbrhrzbrbzbrjerjfrufjfjdjffjfjdidjcudhffhdhfhdjjdjfcj

Dcrdrfe egecectetcgvgeetrztezdhstdgfhsgdgdgsgdgdggddthhftvrhhbtthtbtvftrfbgffhefgechrghrfgffgfdggggttcgfrdhnvrghdtgrgrgfxtrfrvvfddgfgfdhvftcgcddvcdcdcsccd

Created by: Asideinky
  1. how many lives does Sia have
  2. what is Rikki's latest death
  3. what is crewstor's nickname
  4. who are Nix's siblings
  5. how many members of Asid smp are over eighteen
  6. Who is oldest Asid smp member
  7. who said this:am i a traitor?!
  8. What most server members think about Nori
  9. it asked me at least 10 questions first answer is reportable
  10. Jttvewzbthbtrejnz

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Asid smp
