How much do you know about A-dale?

They say they didn't give us much learnin at Auburndale High School but I think some of you might know this stuff. This quiz is basically for folks 25 and older that grew up in Auburndale Florida. Are you old enough??? I hope so, if not you can try it anyway.

How well do you know A-dale? Take this quiz and find out. I have asked questions only a true A-dale guy or gal would know. If you think you know it all just try the quiz and see if your right or not.

Created by: Dollie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What was the area code in the 80's?
  2. What originally stood in the place of The Rent to own store on Hwy. 92?
  3. What was the name of the convient store that sits on the corner of Thornhill road and S.R. 542?
  4. What is the name of the BBQ restruant on Old Dixie Hwy.?
  5. Who is the athelete that is native to Auburndale?
  6. What is the Auburndale High Schools mascot?
  7. What is A-dale's zip code?
  8. What is the name of the ice cream shop in downtown Auburndale?
  9. What is the largest lake in A-dale?
  10. What is the last verse to the Auburndale alma mata?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about A-dale?