How Much Do You Know About 24?

Well this quiz is about 24 so do you know quite a lot about 24 if you don't get off the quiz page how unless you wanna fail epically because trust me your not gonna guess much.

DO YOU KNOW ABOUT 24, have you watched it, if you have do you remember what happened? Well if you've watched the show just take the quiz test your luck who knows maybe you'll be the reigning champion😇... Just kidding I'm the reigning champion😎

Created by: Sasha
  1. Who is the main character?
  2. Where does jack work?
  3. What time does the first episode start?
  4. Which two people kidnap Kim Bauer?
  5. Who is Kim Bauer's mother in season one?
  6. Which character died at the end at season one episode 24?
  7. Who says "this is the longest day of my life"
  8. Kim Bauer goes to prison.
  9. In season two what is the name of the child Kim is the nanny of.
  10. What is the name of Kim's aunt?
  11. What is the actor of jack Bauer's name?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About 24?