How much do you know?

There are many smarties out there, but not many that can pass this test. Can you? Come and try. If you don't pass, try again then you can say that you truly s genius.

Are YOU smart enough to pass my test? It hard but I'm sure you can pass it... If you a... genius. Come find out if you really are. If you don't pass, try till you get it right!

Created by: Megan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How can you tell the temperature without a thermometer?
  2. Find the mistake in the following sentence. The dog ate out of it's bowl.
  3. What is true about China and the United States?
  4. How many bugs or spiders does the average person eat during sleep throughout their life?
  5. Which of the following words is spelled correctly?
  6. What is the dot above an i called?
  7. What is the lowest point on Earth?
  8. What liquid can be a substitute for blood plasma?
  9. Do Mosquito repellents actually repel mosquitoes?
  10. What is the most effective way to wake up in the morning?
  11. The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer.
  12. How young was the youngest girl that gave birth?
  13. How young were the youngest parents ever?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know?