How Much Do You Have in Common With Billie Eilish?

Now, when you answer these questions, find your inner self, not Billie's inner self. Don't be afraid to be different from Billie. She is her own person, and so are you.

When taking this quiz, don't rush. There are no right or wrong answers. Don't get stressed, this quiz is meant to be fun, not painful. I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Marley
  1. What is the best color?
  2. What is the best brand?
  3. What is the best food?
  4. What is the best show?
  5. What is the best billie song?
  6. What is the most important thing in a friend?
  7. What is the best animal?
  8. What is the cutest name for a dog?
  9. What is the best movie theme?
  10. What is your best quality?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Have in Common With Billie Eilish?
