How much do we have in common?

This is the second how similar quiz I have done. The last one is titled How Similar Are You to Me, which stands out because of how stupid I was when naming it.

So this quiz is way better. But you know, I don't think anyone but me really reads these. Maybe a few other bookworms besides me. So let's get started.

  1. Hi
  2. Choose one
  3. Do you have or have you ever had anxiety
  4. Pokemon or no
  5. Do you like reading
  6. Are you reserved (keep to self, not talk too much)
  7. Do you like foxes (like, a lot)
  8. Putting the do gooders in their place
  9. What would you rather do out of these
  10. I was bored
  11. What are your grades like in school
  12. How would people describe you
  13. Do you have like, a couple of obsesions
  14. Well, like, "Oh, look! It's yet ANOTHER fox plushie! Would that look good in my room?" Or "Yknow maybe just one pack of cards. One. For once."
  15. What is your taste in books
  16. Last question

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You are viewing the 1st quiz out of 3 in the set From when I didn't have an acc.

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