How much do u play on phone/iPad/computer

Bye hope u enjoy it and this is to see how much u talk like right now lol so yeah enjoy it and stay talkedive so yeah :) eat some 🍧 and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now it is time to see how much u do it seems inposible to get exzackly like u but one of these should be close enjoy it and yeah turn on your jam music and put some jam on your toast!.

Created by: Hannah R.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long do u play on it or them
  2. What do u do on it
  3. Who do u talk to or play on
  4. How long do u spend off of phone
  5. How many questions was that?
  6. Idk but yeah
  7. Do u like this quiz?
  8. You just got trolled u got 1 up for being chaty lol ha :D
  9. So om yeah
  10. Lol :D

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