How Much Do You Love Your Family?

There are many loving people out there and you love your ohona what does ohona mean you ask it means family and family sticks togather look in side your heat to see.

Do you like puppys?

Created by: angel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how much time do u spend with your family?
  2. how much do u help around the house?
  3. if a guy killed your whole family and u were the only one left what would u do?
  4. if u had a once in a life time chance to go to a concert and u only had one tictet..... go or stay?
  5. if you had to choose between your bfs or gfs family or your family who would u choose
  6. how many relitives do u have
  7. what do u love the most about your family
  8. do u and you family disagree a lot
  9. do u like puppys

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Love my Family?