How much do you know about Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy)

This is a quiz bout how much you know about tom felton, the guy who plays draco malfoy in the harry potter films, well what are you waiting for just take the quiz!

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Created by: Lolcatz123456789
  1. How many siblings does he have?
  2. What does he injoy most.
  3. What does he do 2 his hair 4 the harry potter films, & wat is his real hair colour?
  4. What does he love?
  5. What pet did he have as a boy, and wat was its name.
  6. Favorite car brand?
  7. Fav aminal
  8. What does he prefer?
  9. Pet he has now Breed and Name.
  10. Girlfriends name?
  11. Bye!!!

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) You can find more quizzes like this one in our Harry Potter Quiz category.