how much do u know about meh

so I made this quiz to see how well some people know me, and I don't expect you to get any of these right, but these questions include some of the fine details abt me.


  1. what's my favorite show?
  2. what's my favorite movie?
  3. fav color?
  4. my sexuality?
  5. my gender?
  6. fav animal (1)
  7. fav animal 2
  8. what sport do I play
  9. what day was I born?
  10. what's my least favorite subject
  11. what's my favorite mandatory (have to take) class?
  12. what is my opinion on draco malfoy
  13. my least favorite food?
  14. what's my preferred name that I want to go by? (changed since December 5th btw)
  15. who's my fav vocaloid

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