How Much Do the COD Blackops Zombies Like You?

It is time for the test for life! See how much the zombies like you. They probably won't try to hurt you as much if they like you!

Do they like YOU? Well, there's only one way to find out! Just be honest!

Created by: Kiblum
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hello! This is my first and probably my only one. Hope you enjoy it! I did my best.
  2. Okay. These questions don't really match the quiz. Sorry! 8/ Okay, what would you do if you encountered a zombie?
  3. Running out of ideas. How do you react when you run out of ammo to kill zombies?
  4. You are surrounded by zombies. What do you do?
  5. Which map is the best?
  6. How do you react when you survive a round?
  7. What is the best weapon?
  8. Almost at the end. How much do you like the Death Machine Power-up?
  9. You died. How do you react?
  10. Well, that's it! Hope you guys liked it! Actually, you know what? Tell me how much you liked it.

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