How much do know, Charles P.?

This is a quiz about my cat. My cats name is Charles P. He is the most unique cat you would ever meet! So, hint, hint on some questions. Hope you enjoy!

Do you know some facts about my cat, Charlie? Take this quiz and find out. If you could only know him. Yikes! Don't tell him I said that! Please.

Created by: Alyssa
  1. Hello, my name is Alyssa. This quiz is about my cat. Anyway, ready to start the quiz?
  2. What is Charles P's fur color?
  3. What is his eye color?
  4. What does the P stand for?
  5. What does Charles do early, early in the morning?
  6. What does he do in the morning? Same question, but pick a different answer.
  7. Is he annoying?
  8. What time does he wake up in the morning?
  9. Does he have a sister?
  10. If so, how many?
  11. Does Charles love food?
  12. Do you think Charles P. will like this quiz?

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