How Much Are You Minnesotan?

There are many people, but few are from Minnesota. Minnesota is, afterall, quite exeptional. Waht is a Minnesotan? A Minnesotan is one who says all of their o's weird and likes walleye and deer.

Are YOU a Minnesotan? Do YOU have what it takes to qualify as a true Minnesotan? Until now you can only wonder, But pretty soon you might find out if you take this quiz!

Created by: marissa
  1. Do you think you have an accent?
  2. In the winter, would you even think of wearing a short sleeve shirt every day?
  3. Have you ever gotten made fun of because of how you say your o's?
  4. Have you ever seen a moose/deer in your backyard?
  5. Fuuuuu
  6. Someone walks into a bar and you walk into them, and it was their fault. Do you say sorry?
  7. Someone on the highway cut you off. What do you do?
  8. Someone from new York came to see the fall leaves.
  9. Do you like walleye?
  10. Did youlike this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Much am I Minnesotan?