How Much Are You Like Pineforest

OY! This lame quiz site saysI have to keep typing... Mwhahah.... what if I just go on forever? Huh? What then?? Oh wait, I now have 212. I could have stopped a while ago. Oh well. I enjoy ranting on like this. :D

OY! This lame quiz site saysI have to keep typing... Mwhahah.... what if I just go on forever? Huh? What then?? Oh wait, I now have 212. I could have stopped a while ago. Oh well. I enjoy ranting on like this. :D.

Created by: Pineforest of Howrse
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of the following will you do if asked for a P box for a dying horse?
  2. How often do you get on Howrse?
  3. Do you spend a lot of time on your EC??
  4. How many PMs do you receive during a typical Howrse day?
  5. How important do you find humor?
  6. Candy!! Which of the following do you like the BEST?
  7. Do you own any horses??
  8. What Words come to mind when I say........ Soccer.
  9. When you go to your office page, what's the average amount of bullets? (how many things are on there)
  10. Do You find my page totally awesome? Go ahead! Open up another tab and check, I'll wait. ;)

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Quiz topic: How Much am I Like Pineforest