How much are you like my OC

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I like to make fun quizzes! So I hope you find this fun! ;) I think we have to make a whole paragraph, right? Oh well, I actually forgot I was making this quiz

a question in... so ... yeah! Oh and I forgot I just ... sorry I seriously forgot it again. Seriously!!!!! So have a lot of fun! And stay warm or cool depending the temperature outside.

Created by: Emmy
  1. What color is ur hair?
  2. How might ur friends describe u?Answer truthfully!
  3. What colors do u wear the most
  4. How adventurous are u 1-5
  5. How much pain can u endure? 1-5
  6. If u could have any job what would it be?
  7. What is ur parent situation?
  8. How much like them do u want to be?
  9. What is ur favorite color?
  10. We're done!!!

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Quiz topic: How much am I like my OC
