How Much Are You Like Me???

There are a ton of people in the world but only a few can be like you. This is when i wanted to make a quiz to see how many people in the world are like me.

Are YOU like me. Maybe, maybe not. Just take this quiz and see how much we have in common. Excited for the results??? Well then just take the quiz already and have fun.

Created by: syd
  1. What is you favorite book series?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What type of movies do you like?
  4. What thing do you love the most? (out of these options)
  5. Your Race?
  6. Your type of hair?
  7. What is the color of your hair?
  8. Are you religious?
  9. Are you racist?
  10. Do you love your family?
  11. Are your parents divorced?
  12. What are your grades?
  13. Do you have any best friends?
  14. What is your lucky number?
  15. This is your last question. Do you love computers?

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Quiz topic: How Much am I Like Me???