how much are you like Layla rose Boyce from spirit ypc

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This is a quiz of how much alike are you as Layla rose Boyce from spirit ypc. I hope you are also a BIG BIG VERY VERY VERY BIG fan of Layla rose Boyce. (I am) of you aren't, get off the planet!

I can't wait for you to know what your result is.I hope you will love spirit ypc as much as I will.plz plz comment how much you are like. I hope you enjoy this quiz. ♥have a wonderful day.♥♡♥

Created by: RRW
  1. Do you have blonde hair
  2. Do you have blue eyes
  3. Are you good at singing, acting and dancing
  4. Do you live in the U.K.
  5. Do you have curly hair
  6. Are you a spirit ypc fan
  7. Do you want to be in a musical
  8. Are you talkative
  9. Will you make a spirit ypc quiz
  10. Do you love spirit ypc

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Quiz topic: How much am I like Layla rose Boyce from spirit ypc
