How much are you like Cheaz X Balle?

Do you know who Cheaz X Balle is? Well, he's a crazy cartoon character that I Made up. In this quiz, I might call him CXB. CXB is scared of everything, from the #8 to the word yo. If you like this quiz, you may enjoy my website,, where you can learn a lot more about CXB and do fun stuff!

Anyway, are you like Cheaz X Balle? Many people are crazy, but not all of them are the same type of crazy as CXB. Or maybe you're more like his best friend, Melck Z Chug. This is the quiz that reveals your TRUE personality, the personality of which CXB character you reassemble the most.

Created by: Sara Wilkins of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your least favorite number?
  2. Do you like peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches?
  3. If Patty came up to you and said "Yo! You are crap!" you would...
  4. What would you do if your friend failed a test?
  5. Do you have a sister?
  6. Yo!
  7. Do you have signature!
  8. Are you crazy?
  9. Are you scared of anything?
  10. Choose one!

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Quiz topic: How much am I like Cheaz X Balle?