How much are you flexible ? :)

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Hi ! This quiz is to test whether you're flexible or not ! Comment below if you're doing dance, cheer, gymnastics :)Do you want to be more flexible ? First, take this quizz to know whether you're enough flexible or not :)

Please make sure you are fully warmed up before doing this, and do not push your limits too far. I don't want anyone being injured. Enjoy this quiz ! :)

Created by: Luciana
  1. Can you touch your toes standing up, without bending your legs ?
  2. Go into a straddle and reach for a foot. Try and lay yor chest on your leg.
  3. Do a split
  4. If you can do a split, arch back and fourth. If you can't do a split, skip this question.
  5. Attempt wall splits. If you can easily do a wall split, try an oversplit
  6. Do a bridge. If you can do a basic bridge, try and approach your hands to your legs.
  7. Can you do a scorpion ?
  8. Can you do a needle ? If you can easily, try and do an oversplit in your needle
  9. Do a straddle jump
  10. Try a front walkover
  11. Do a cartwheel
  12. Did you like this quiz :) ? (will not affect results)

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Quiz topic: How much am I flexible ? :)

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