How much are you a NFL fan?

This is the NFL quiz. Tbh, not sure what else to write. Dog car law dude cat another dog sure ig keep writing I'm bored, so bored, loser, idk what else

Idk what else to write. But tbh Dog car law dude cat another dog sure ig keep writing I'm bored, so bored, loser, idk what else cool man dog car lol t

Created by: Jayden Cunningham
  1. Which teams have one the most Superbowls in the NFL?
  2. Who has never won a Superbowl?
  3. What team drafted Antonio Brown?
  4. What team drafted D.K Metcalf?
  5. What NFL player is nicknamed "Mr. Relevant"?
  6. Which NFL team won Superbowl I?
  7. What teams has Minkah Fitzpatrick played for?
  8. Who did the Steelers beat in the Superbowl in 2009?
  9. What teams played in Superbowl 56?
  10. Who won MVP in 2023?
  11. What team went 2-15 in 2023
  12. Who is Tom Brady's inspiration?
  13. What position does Derrick Henry play?
  14. What position does Tom Brady play?

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Quiz topic: How much am I a NFL fan?
